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Breast Cancer Girls

Contracting breast cancer does not necessary means "the end". What are the warning signs of breast cancer?
- Size or shape change of the breast. (Nipple turned inwards or sunken into the breast.)
- Dimpling of the skin on breast.
- Breast looks red, scaly or swollen.
- Breast feeling pain.
Breast cancer is one of the top cancers in women today. What is Cancer ? What are the Risk Factors for developing Breast Cancer ? Some women with one, or even a few risk factors, never go on to develop breast cancer, whilst there are many women with breast cancer who have no apparent risk factors.
- Having had cancer in one breast: this increases 3 to 4 fold, the risk of developing a new breast cancer, unrelated to the first, in the other breast, or in another part of the same breast. Whilst breast cancer predominantly affects older women, it can occur in women under 30 years of age.
- Family history of breast cancer: having a first degree relative (mother, sister or daughter) with breast cancer increases your risk of having breast cancer yourself.
- Predisposing breast conditions: history of certain breast conditions, such as atypical lobular or ductal hyperplasia, and lobar carcinoma in-situ, increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Women suspected to have genetic risk for breast cancer should undergo genetic risk assessment by a specialist (ideally in a cancer genetics clinic).
- Presence of other cancers in the family: a positive family history of cancers of the ovaries, uterus, cervix or colon increases the risk of you developing breast cancer.
- Late menopause: if you reach menopause very late, this would also increase your risk of breast cancer.
Breast cancer, in its early stages, usually has no symptoms. Lumps due to breast cancer are typically painless. What Can Help Decrease the Risk of Developing Breast Cancer?
How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed? Mammography is the commonest test used to detect breast cancer. Breast Biopsy. The type of breast cancer (eg. tubular, mucinous, papillary)
Treatment : Surgery is considered to be the primary treatment of breast cancer and many patients with early breast cancer are cured by surgery alone. Chemotherapy treatment uses a drug known as Docetaxel to treat breast, stomach, lung and prostate cancers.


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